Dynamic data
Dynamically renders the list of options by storing the response of an API call
For use cases, that require the list of options to be fetched from an API call (meaning the list being unqiue to each visitor), you would be using the Dynamic data action block.
Using this block, you can dynamically display list items for,
Option (WhatsApp and SMS)
List (WhatsApp)
Reply button (WhatsApp)
Step 1: Store response in a variable
The API response which contains the list items needs to be stored into a variable. You would do this using the Service call action block.
Make sure you store the entire payload response in a variable. To do this, do not append anything after result on the object path.
Step 2: Setup the Dynamic data action block
Add the 'Dynamic data' action block after the service call block, and configure the details.
Data variable
Contains the entire payload response received from the API. In our example, it is the response
Block to generate
Choose the action block that you would like to generate. Dynamic data supports the following action blocks,
Option (WhatsApp and SMS)
List (WhatsApp)
Reply button (WhatsApp)
Configure the block for the question i.e. what question is to be shown while displaying the list items.
Configuring list items
Depending on which action block you have chosen, you would then map the object paths of the data you want to shown for that action block.
For example, if the payload response stored is the following,
And if we want to render the product_id from this list as button, we would configure the object path as follows:
Where [*] denotes that we need to display all occurances of the field product_id.
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