Google Calendar

Collaborate with your visitors and make it easy for them to view and book appointments.

Step 1: Create a event

For the chatbot to be able to book events on your calendar, you need to create an event.

To do this, just click "+Create event" button and give it a event name and choose the teammates/team whose availability need to be shown.

When a event is booked, the availability of all user's calendar will be shown to the visitor. And when an event is booked, it is only with one user based on whose schedule was available.

You will only be able to see the users and teams who have connected their Google calendars. To connect your calendar, go to Settings > Calendar > Connect Google calendar

Step 2: Configure the general configurations for your event

After creating your event, customize the configurations of your event. The following options can be customized,


Slot duration

Length of the event. From 5 mins to 120 mins

Buffer time

Gap that will always be maintained between two events booked from the chatbot. From 5 mins to 120 mins.

Notice time

Meetings will only be booked X minutes in advance.

Limit future bookings

The calendar will only show these many days in the future. Also, you can choose to show weekends or only business days.

Step 3: Define the copy for your event

Once the meeting is booked, a calendar event will be sent to the attendee and the host. You can define the copy of that meeting here.



Subject of the meeting invite sent to the attendee. You can use variables to personalize the event name like "Meeting with #name#"


Define the description in the field, providing little more information about what the scheduled meeting is about.


Usually used to share the place of meeting. There is an option to enable Google Meet link, if not selected, you can type in your location manually.

Step 4: Collect contact details to book the meeting

To book the event, it is mandatory to collect the name and email of the attendee.

You can customize this form to include other fields by creating new fields.

Also, you can enable the "Skip form" configuration which will automatically skip this screen if data is available in the variables defined.

As users who speak with your bot may have previously provided their contact details, the chatbot will smartly skip asking the details again if it already knows the answer.

Step 5: Define the message copy (If used on WhatsApp / SMS channel)

If you are using Google calendar on WhatsApp or SMS, you can change the copy of the message used in collecting the date and timeslot.

Copy that can be changed:


Date selection


Question asked while showing the list of dates

Date selection

Button text

On WA, clicking on this button will show the list of dates in a drawer.

Date selection

Error message

Error message when a invalid selection is made

Timeslot selection


Question asked while showing the list of timeslots

Timeslot selection

Button text

On WA, clicking on this button will show the list of timeslot in a drawer.

Timeslot selection

Error message

Error message when a invalid selection is made


Confirmation message

Message sent once meeting is booked.

You can use the following system variables to post the booked date and time in the message:

  • gcal_selected_slot_time

  • gcal_selected_slot_date

  • gcal_selected_slot_day

Click 'Save' on every section of the action panel to save your changes for that event.

Choosing a different event from the event dropdown, will show its configurations.

Last updated