Talk to human

This action block is used when you want to invoke a human handover action at some point in the conversation flow thereby transferring the control of the chat from the bot to an agent

When I should use it?

  • Transferring the chat to human agent

  • Involving your support team when questions are not answered by the bot

How do I set it up?

You can follow the following steps to set up the Human Handover action block;

  • Add an action block on canvas by clicking on '+'

  • Choose 'Talk to human'

  • Configure it on the right panel

    • Transfer conversation to: Select the team to whom the conversation needs to be transferred to Click here to know more about managing a team in Buraq

    • Success Message: The message configured here will be sent to the visitors when Human Handover is successfully invoked

    • Disabled Message: The message configured here will be send to the visitor when Human Handover is disabled Click here to know about Human Handover configuration

    • No agent is available: The message configured here will be sent to the visitors when all the agents are either occupied or not available Click here to know more about managing the availability of agents

    • Beyond operational hours: The message configured here will be sent to the visitors when the Human Handover is invoked beyond operational hours

When Human Handover is triggered, the assigned user will receive a browser notification to let them know that a conversation has assigned to them.

If 'Auto Assign' is enabled for Human Handover, then the conversation will be automatically get assigned to available agent or else the conversation will be placed in the 'Unassigned' tab.

Once the conversation is assigned to the agent, the same cannot be re-assigned back to the bot

What are the scenarios in which Human Handover can fail?

  • When Human Handover is disabled

  • When there are no agents available

  • When Human Handover occurs beyond operational hours

Last updated