Getting a WhatsApp API
Facebook Business Manager (FBM) Verification
Meta has a mandatory requirement for the business to have their Facebook Business Manager (FBM) verified.
Without this being verified, you will not be eligible to get a WhatsApp API.
Check FBM verification status
Step 1: Open the FBM account for which you want to get a WhatsApp API
Step 2: Go to the Security page and see this section
On this page, you will have one of the following three status;
The status highlights that your Facebook Business Manager (FBM) is verified and eligible for getting WhatsApp Business APIs
Start Verification
The status highlights that your Facebook Business Manager is not yet verified however meets the Meta’s business policy and is eligible for verification
Ineligible for Verification
Getting FBM verified
In order to get FBM verified, make sure you have the following things ready;
Access to FBM account
Company identification document
Following business related documents are accepted by Meta for verification: 1. Certificate / Article of Incorporation 2. Business Registration or Licence Document 3. Govt. issued Business Tax Document 4. Business Bank Statement
Address identification document
You will need to submit a Utility bill to verify address and phone number associated with business. It needs to have the 'Legal Business Name' on it Following are types of Utility bill that Meta accepts: 1. Electricity Bill 2. Phone Bill
Active phone number
Phone number one which the WhatsApp API will be obtained. This number should not have an active WhatsApp account; in case there is an account active, delete it
Once you have the above items available with you, follow the following steps;
Step 1: Start 'Verification'
Click on 'Start Verification' under 'Business Manager's Security Center' to initiate the verification process.
Step 2: Provide 'Business Details'
Provide your business's details, including the legal business name, address, phone number and website.
Make sure that the details you submit exactly match the details of your legal business entity. Also make sure that your business's website is active and is HTTP compliant
Step 3: Confirm 'Business Details'
Based on the information provided, Meta looks for the matching records for you to select from.
If no matching record is found, upload supporting documents to confirm the details you entered
Step 4: Method to confirm your connection
Once you have uploaded the documents related to your business, Meta will ask you to select the method through which you will be getting confirmation code. You will need to submit this code to complete verification process.
Below are the available methods;
Email: An email is sent to your email address with code
Phone Number: A call is made to this number with the code
Text Message: A text is made to this number with the code
Domain Verification: A DNS record is to be added to your site's web host or DNS provider
After you submitted the verification, a decision can be made in as little as 10 minutes or as long as 14 working days.
You'll receive a notification when the review is complete. If you receive confirmation that your business is verified, there's nothing more you need to do
Tips for FBM Verification
To increase the company's chances of being verified by Meta, it is important that:
The company's website is active, with SSL, and is complete, containing the company's name, address, and phone number, which matches the one provided by the Business Manager
The account email is from the same domain as the company's website provided in the documentation i.e. if your website is your email should also contain the same domain i.e.
If the verification will be made through the phone number, make sure you can receive the call. If the phone has IVR, disable it temporarily
The company's trade name in the documentation is the same one used on the website and the Facebook page. If different, the names need to be related in some way on the website. For example, at the footer, enter "Company ABC powered by Company D"
Enabling 'Start Verification'
In order to see the 'Start Verification' option enabled, you will need to create the App first. You can follow the following steps;
Step 2: Create a Business App
Step 3: Go back to 'Security Center'
Last updated