These action blocks need to be connected with each other in order to ensure that the bot is having flawless conversation with the visitors
You can also connect multiple action blocks to a single action block
There are three ways to connect these action blocks with each other, they are;
Adding New Block using '+'
You can simply click on '+' sign and select the action block from the available list that you would like to add to the flow
Manually Drag & Drop
If the connection node between the two blocks is missing, you can simply connect by holding '+' sign and dragging it to connect with the required block
In-order to connect multiple blocks with one block, you can simply hold '+' sign and connect with the top node of the block that you would like to connect it to
Using 'Jump' Action Block
If you wish to create a jump in the conversation, you can simply do so by connecting the two action blocks together i.e. connecting the action block from where the conversation needs to be jumped from with the action block where the conversation needs to be jumped to.
In-order to do so, you can click on the '+' sign on the action block and connect with the top node of the action block where the conversation needs to be skipped to.
The other way of jumping the conversation without connecting the nodes is by using the 'Jump Action Block'